Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Country of the Aged
Sunday, June 12, 2011
For years of implementing different school policies, the incurring of fines has laid out a bunch of questions from the student body as well as the faculty. There has never been a guarantee that paying fines for every violation committed provides the solution to problems which are addressed to be answered by this certain policy.
In the beginning of the School Year 2010 – 2011, the Student Council officers (SCO) immediately began its collection of fines for every violation. The SCO further stressed out in the Students’ Orientation that the policy is presented to teach the students a lesson. But, it seems that the officers have forgotten the fact that giving examples is a way of teaching. Yes, they are making the students learn a lesson: to follow the leaders in their fraudulent system.
One of the problems that are to be solved by this policy is the overflowing number of students coming to school late. When the policy has taken its effect it was seen that there is no change at all. Whereas, more and more students come to school late each day even though they are to pay fines as punishment. The policy in its very nature has no effect on students and so it is useless.
In every month, the SCO is presenting projects and programs that according to them, will aim for the total development of each student. The money that the council uses comes from the fines collected. Again, according to them, the fines are helpful enough to supply them financially to push through their projects. What’s on the mind of these officers when it comes to fines? It is not making the students more disciplined but to let that money give them a good impression from other people.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Thursday, June 2, 2011
My campaign speech last February 2010 SC Elections

“Popularity will not count, but the ability will be an account.”
This is a recycled quotation which was originally made by me for my campaign speech last year. But it is only this time that I had the chance to stress out what it means.
It is not necessarily a person who is popular must be considered an honest or truthful officer. Everyone should change their personal views toward this. For a person who has the utmost ability; ability to lead and serve; ability to listen to his/her members and the ability to be a follower has the right to become an effective leader. Leaders who are weak are not worthy to be called leaders. They are easily carried away by “external” factors that most of the time aren’t true. If you show, even from the start that you are weak or you cannot hold on to something then how can you lead? How can other people believe in your capabilities? Insecurity leads to a person’s downfall. It’s not the fault of the people surrounding you. Leaders speak for the truth, the very truth; they act for the best and are vocal all the time because they care for the rest.
For years of running for a position in the Student council, I am sure that most of you possibly know me enough. But for those who don’t, kindly lend your ears.
I am Reiner Lorenzo from the simple clans of Jarabe and Tamayo. I am popularly known with the nick “RENZ”. I began studying in SPS-Aparri since kindergarten and is a consistent topnotch in class. I was elected 3 times since gr. 4 and was then the president of the GS Student Council when I was on the 6th grade way back 2006 or 2007. I am your current Treasurer and I believe that I have served you at my best and I still continue to do my duty for the school year did not end yet. I filed a candidacy and I am now running for the position: Vice-president for External Affairs under the Vocal party. I would be on guard that we, if elected as your new set of SC officers next year will implement effective, just, and favorable programs and projects that aim for the development of every Paulinian.
I strongly and firmly suppose that our party is a complete package of leaders; from journalists to singers and from dancers to athletes then many more. This is not to boast or show off but to exclaim to you that we also have something to blow up. Though, we may be good in different areas, we still have something in common, and it’s leadership, real leadership.
Please once again cast your votes of confidence and trust not only to me but to my party mates as well.
Don’t forget on Monday, Feb. 8, Renz Tamayo, R-E-N-Z, as simple as that for V.P. External.
Act now! Speak up! Be VOCAL!
Thank you and Peace be with you.
Message to parents (Tribute - March 30, 2011)
Millions of earthlings consider the work of a teacher as the most difficult job. Wake up people! You are wrong! The work of a teacher is far easy than that of people working with the title “PARENT”.
Why did I say that being a parent is the hardest if not the most demanding of all the invented work or job in this world? Well, parents are persons who possess all qualities and they perform all the professions you can name. They were our first teachers, religious leaders, managers, bodyguards, and also our first aid doctors.
Our dear parents, from the day of marriage you have accepted the responsibility to rear a child. You have stepped out of the boundaries and faced the firing squad just to put us here. We have nothing in mind anymore except two words: THANK YOU.
Thank you for keeping us alive by working non-stop to provide food, clothes, and books – life.
Our senior year was really tough. Projects and other requirements were given almost every day. But look at us now, we are standing firm and steady ready to enter another dimension.
May this tribute be a way for us to thank you. It is simple but you are gonna enjoy what we prepared for you.
To end my message, let me share a quote taken from one of my favorite life-changing books entitled “Tuesdays with Morrie” written by Mitch Albom: “There is no experience like having children. That’s all. There is no substitute for it. You cannot do it with a friend. You cannot do it with a lover. If you want the experience of having complete responsibility for another human being and to learn how to love and bond in the deepest way, then you should have children.”
Certainly, you have loved us the deepest way. Today, we are giving you due importance in the most profound way. For the nth time, thank you!
Catholics by Name
Aside from the August 23 Hostage Crisis in Luneta, the RH Bill of both the Senate and House of Representatives gave a quake in President Aquino’s half-cooked administration. It is better to use the fund of the Filipino people to things that are of greater use and benefit than to spend it on useless contraceptives that do not abide the Supreme Law of God. RH Bill is unconstitutional and that it was and will forever be not welcome in this Catholic country.
Up to now, the battle against and in favor the RH Bill continues. The RH Bill is one of the many bills that will stir up the ability of the Church to defend its self against the self-centered state. Hence, as Catholics, we need to do our part and go for what is morally right. There are many countries around us to where we could get draw backs of the same bill. We need not to experiment the same proposal in our country especially that money is a big talk of the town. One thing lies sure about this bill; it’s a waste of time and money. That’s it. If you’re a Catholic and if you support the RH Bill, you’re just a Catholic by name.
(The article/editorial I submitted to The Paularri, the official publication of Saint Paul School of Aparri, for its 2010-2011 issue. I guess the paper is not yet published...until now.)